Hanging Out on Google+

Have you taken a look at Google+ yet?

If you have not, I would encourage you to do so.  I am not a marketeer or a specialist on internet stuff, but I am learning more about what works for my business and how I can grow it further through the Internet for less.  I am finding new ways to provide good services and to connect with my clients too.

I recently signed to up Google+, somewhat apprehensively I must admit, but I am becoming more and impressed by what is available here for free.  I still have a lot to learn and more of its offers to explore and learn to use though.

One of the very interesting options available is Google+ Hang Outs.  I’ve not tried this yet but have signed up for it.  I am going to be arranging a hang out in the next couple days and would love to invite you to join me.  We can try it together.

If you’d like to join me, please let me know.  We can connect on Google+   My unique link to Google+ by which you can join me is here  https://plus.google.com/?gpinv=2GaLJSjbBwE:iZakUlYoYZ8  I believe you’ll have to join, as you would expect, but it’s worth it.

And its all for free!

As I’ve already mentioned, I am not an expert on this in anyway, but I would like to recommend someone who is.  Her name is Mari Smith, she’s Scottish, I believe and lives in the US.  I’ve found her articles helpful, informative and quite invaluable in helping me with internet related things.

I’ve shared a recent article of hers from her blog below.


Don’t forget to join me and let me know if you’d like to be part of my Google+ Hang Out event.  I look forward to hearing from you. 




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